General Procedures

Electrostatic Discharge

When working with electrical components, it is best to place them atop an ESD protective mat and wear an antistatic wrist strap.

When transporting ESD-sensitive components you should place them in antistatic bags.

Raspberry Pi

Turning it Off

Before disconnecting power to the Raspberry Pi, you should shut it down as you would with a normal computer.

To shut down the Raspberry Pi from the BeagleBone, run the following in a Cloud9 terminal (or in a regular terminal if the Raspberry Pi is connected directly to your computer):

$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local sudo shutdown now

Once all the lights on the board have turned off, it is safe to disconnect power.


Changing Connections

Before modifying any connections to the BeagleBone, you should make sure the board is powered off and unplugged.

Turning it Off

Before disconnecting power to the BeagleBone, you should shut it down as you would with a normal computer.

To shut down the BeagleBone, run the following code in a Cloud9 terminal window:

$ sudo shutdown now

Once all the lights on the board have turned off, it is safe to disconnect power.