
The "Device Table" include generates a table of COSMOS properties for a page using the agent layout.

This can be included in a page by using the following code:

{% include agents/device_table.html %}

The YAML File

This requires that a YAML file be placed in the _data/agents folder named according to the agent page's agent_name frontmatter field.

Here is an example taken from the _data/agents/agent_heater.yml YAML file:


  - name: "Heater"
    cosmos_device_name: "htr"
    cosmos_device_number: "000"
      - name: "UTC"
        cosmos_name: "utc"
        storage_type: ["double", "Time"]
        description: "The UTC timestamp as a Modified Julian Day"
      - name: "Enabled"
        cosmos_name: "enabled"
        storage_type: "bool"
        description: "`true` if the device is enabled"
      - name: "Voltage (V)"
        cosmos_name: "volt"
        storage_type: "float"
        description: "The voltage supplied"

# Node Property table (commented since agent_heater doesn't use node properties)
# cosmos_node:
#   - name: "Enabled"
#     cosmos_name: "enabled"
#     storage_type: "bool"
#     description: "`true` if the device is enabled"