
COSMOS Web is a web application that allows the control and visualization of data incoming from the COSMOS ecosystem through a user interface.

Agent MongoDB is the server component of COSMOS Web and bridges the gap between COSMOS Web and the COSMOS ecosystem via WebSockets. It also handles data storage in a MongoDB database.

cosmos web


COSMOS Web Dependencies

  • Any OS that supports Node.js
  • Node.js
    • A runtime environment that supports JavaScript
    • Install Node.js v7.5.3 (as of April 4/29/2021)
    • To install node.js on WLS

To update npm run this command on the command terminal:

sudo apt install npm

MongoDB Dependencies

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Install MongoDB Server on a native Ubuntu computer distribution
  • If you're using Ubuntu on WSL install using these instructions MongoDB Server

MongoDB is A non-relational database. COSMOS Web uses ...

Installing COSMOS Web

COSMOS Web Installation

Login to github.

Clone the COSMOS Web git repository to retrieve the source code and set it up.

git clone ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-web

Change directory to the new cosmos-web folder:

cd ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-web

Install the node.js dependencies

npm install

Copy the .env.example file to .env to set your own configuration

cp .env.example .env

Set up environment variables by editing the .env file. These are settings for your local copy of COSMOS Web based on your set up. The pre-set values are defaults and can be changed. Don't forget to change the USER.

API_IP=localhost # IP of cosmos web instance 
WEBSOCKET_PORT=8081 # IP of websocket port on agent_mongo
REST_PORT=8082 # IP of REST port on agent_mongo
COSMOS_BIN=/home/<USER>/cosmos/bin # Location of your COSMOS bin folder

COSMOS Web API Installation

Clone the COSMOS Web API repository and set it up.

git clone ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-webapi

Change directory to the new cosmos-webapi folder:

cd ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-webapi

Install the node.js dependencies

npm install 

Copy the .env.example file to .env to set your own configuration

cp .env.example .env

Set up environment variables by editing the .env file. Don't forget to change the USER.

HOST_NODE=cubesat1 # node name  


We are now ready to run COSMOS Web and COSMOS Web API!

Running COSMOS Web

Navigate to the root directory of COSMOS Web. Then, to start an instance of COSMOS Web, open a terminal and run:

cd ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-web
npm start

In a web browser, connect to http://localhost:5000 to access it.

cosmos web

Running COSMOS Web API

Navigate to the root directory of COSMOS WebApi, then open a terminal and run:

cd ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-webapi
npm run dev

Confirm COSMOS Web and API connection

In a satellite or ground station page (e.g. http://localuser:5000/realm/cubesat1), in the top toolbar, it should say “Connected”. Now you are done and ready to use COSMOS Web!

Display Data on COSMOS Web

Run Agent CPU on cubesat1 node

agent_cpu cubesat1

Navigate to the COSMOS Web page -> Realm -> CubeSat1. You should see the agent list populated with Agent CPU.

Run a simple orbital propagator to display the orbit


Docker Development Image (Optional)

Docker is a quick way to get started with running applications with ease.

Self Build

If you want to run the COSMOS Web development image through Docker:

cd /path/to/cosmos-web
docker build . -t cosmos_web
docker run 3000:3000 cosmos_web

Pulling Built Image

docker pull spencerpjy/cosmos-web
docker run 3000:3000 cosmos-web

Using COSMOS Web



File Naming Standards

All files should be in upper camel case format. If it contains JSX within the file, the extension shall be .jsx.

JSX File Standards

All JSX files shall follow the React Hooks API standard. This means all components should follow the functional style component creation.

If a component requires a prop function to be passed (e.g. onChange), it should be abstracted out, meaning it should have its own function definition. If it is only changing the state and/or calling another function, you may use just an inline function. Function names should be in lower camel case.

The React component along with all React states, functions and props should be documented using the React Styleguidist standard.

For use of a global state (to allow components to share the same state where the React state becomes difficult to manage), the React Context API should be used in conjunction with reducers (if needed).

Folder Organization


This folder contains each page's components, and each page's corresponding components should be in a folder with the same name as the page.

Exception: Components that are reusable and can span across different pages are to be put into the Global folder.


This folder contains a different route to a page. Each page should contain only layout logic and store logic if children components require it.


This folder contains the React Context global store and reducer logic.

Commit Style

Follow the AngularJS commit style.

Developer Configurations

Configuring Routes

You can configure the routes through /src/routes/index.js. Each top level object within the routes array corresponds to a page.

Each object has a name, icon, component, path and props.

Name is the name that will show up on the navigation bar, the icon is the icon that will show up on the navigation bar, and the component is the component that will be shown on the route.

The path is the route that corresponds to the page. You can add /:id at the end to specify that it is layout enabled. Props are optional; within the props object, you can provide the default layout of the page.

For the path

For example:

const routes = [
    name: 'Satellites',
    icon: 'rocket',
    path: '/satellite/:id',
    component: Dashboard,
    props: {
      defaultLayout: {
        lg: [
            i: 'satellite-default-f',
            x: 6,
            y: 2,
            w: 6,
            h: 21,
            component: {
              name: 'Attitude',
              props: {
                attitudes: [
                    name: 'n1',
                    nodeProcess: 'cubesat1:propagator_simple',
                    quaternions: {
                      d: {
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0,
                        z: 0,
                      w: 0,
                    live: true,

General Components


AsyncComponent is the component that brings together dashboard components. It allows the dashboard components to be rendered via the routes.js file by name.


BaseComponent is the component that contains common functionality and user interfaces across other components. For instance, it contains a header, configuration form modal, and content area for other components.


ComponentSettings contains the configuration form modal used in BaseComponent.


LayoutManager is page that allows users to create layouts and add them to pages.


LayoutSelector is the dropdown menu located at the top of layout enabled pages, and it allows selection of a certain layout for a certain page.

Other Components

See this page.

Application Usage

Home Page

The splash page with a little bit of information.

Dashboard Manager

The page to manage saved page layouts for routes such as satellites or ground stations.

Modifying a Pre-existing Layout

On this page, there is a table to view the currently saved layouts on the computer. Modify it by clicking the + on the left or delete it using the X on the right.

Creating a New Layout

To create a new layout, use the form below and fill out:


The routes that are able to have saved layouts. For instance, you can select the layout to be saved under 'Ground Stations' or 'Satellites'.

Dashboard Name

The name of the layout for a certain route. Differentiate between other layout names.

Layout Array

Sizing. Each row has a width (w) of twelve (12).

Formatting. You must enter an array of objects. Each object contains a unique:

  • Unique key (i) - to avoid conflicts with other layouts, use the format: dashboardName-key
  • Width (w)
  • Height (h)
  • Horizontal position (w)
  • Vertical position (y)
  • Component name (
  • Component props (component.props)


    "i": "dashboardName-a",
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "w": 6,
    "h": 7,
    "component": {
      "name": "Status",
      "props": {
        "name": "Ok"
    "i": "dashboardName-b",
    "x": 6,
    "y": 0,
    "w": 6,
    "h": 7,
    "component": {
      "name": "DisplayValues",
      "props": [
          "name": "CPU Load",
          "nodeProcess": "beagle1:cpu",
          "dataKey": "device_cpu_load_000",
          "unit": "%",

Component Name and Props: For a list of components that are available to be used and each component's props, see

Click Preview to see the layout.

Click Save Layout to save it.

Switching Layouts

On top of each Dashboard page, e.g. Satellites or Ground Stations, a dropdown menu coupled with a button exist to allow for quickly switching between pre-defined layouts.

