What is COSMOS Web?

COSMOS Web is a web-based GUI for COSMOS missions. It provides a far more convenient way of gathering information from COSMOS agents than the traditional command line method.

Starting COSMOS Web

With the Development Environment

If you are using the development environment, you can simply run the following command in a terminal:

$ ~/cosmos-web.sh

A browser window should open up and display the COSMOS Web homepage. If not, you can go to in your browser.

Without the Development Environment

For convenience you should make a shell script. Create a file called cosmos-web.sh in the home directory in Ubuntu, and paste the following contents:


sudo systemctl start mongod

~/cosmos/tools/agent_mongo --realm artemis &
cd ~/cosmos/source/tools/cosmos-web
npm start && fg

Save the file, and run the following command in a local terminal:

$ sudo chmod +x ~/cosmos-web.sh

Now you can start COSMOS Web by running this script:

$ ~/cosmos-web.sh

A browser window should open up and display the COSMOS Web homepage. If not, you can go to in your browser.
