In this tutorial we’ll demonstrate how to create new projects within the COSMOS framework. We will use the project name “myproject”.

4.4.1 Create a new Git Repository

Go to Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab to create a new git repository for your new project “myproject” (instructions to create a new repo in Bitbucket, instructions to create a new repo in GitHub). Don’t forget to create a “” file that describes the project.

4.4.2 Clone Git Repository

Clone the repository to ~/cosmos/source/projects/myproject

4.4.3 Copy Template Project

The easiest way to bootstrap a new COSMOS project is to use the template (otherwise you’ll have to create a few things from scratch). Clone the template repository from to the projects folder (cosmos/source/projects/). You can also check other examples from the COSMOS projects list. Copy the files from the template folder into “my-project” folder. For example: copy from cosmos/source/projects/project-template to cosmos/source/projects/my-project.

4.4.4 Hello World Test

Create a hello_world.cpp test program using Qt Creator.

  1. Open Qt Creator
  2. Open the file CMakeLists.txt.
  • File → Open File or Project ...
  • Open the CMakeLists.txt file cosmos/source/projects/my-project/source/CMakeLists.txt
  1. Select “configure project” when the window opens.
  2. Create the new file
  • File → New File or Project → C++ Source file
  • Add the new file into cosmos/source/projects/my-project/source/hello_world.cpp
  1. In Qt Creator, edit the CMakeLists.txt and enter the following line:
add_executable(hello_world "hello_world.cpp")
  1. Build Build by clicking on the hammer icon or with the shortcut CTRL + B
  2. Run Run the program in Qt with the shortcut CTRL + R