
There are several shell scripts provided in the Artemis Cubesat Kit repository which take care of otherwise-tedious operations. To run these scripts, you should first change the working directory of your terminal:

cd ~/artemis-cubesat-kit/scripts


Launch Cloud9 IDE

Usage: ./cloud9


This script launches the Cloud9 IDE in a new firefox tab.

Launch COSMOS Web

Usage: ./cosmos-web [-s]


This script runs the tools needed to operate COSMOS Web. If the -s flag is not present, the script will run all of the tools in the same terminal window. If the -s flag is present, the script will open a new terminal window for one of the processes.

Deploying Software

Deploy Agents

Usage: ./deploy-agents


This script copies the agent executable files from ~/cosmos/source/projects/beaglebone/build-arm32/bin to the BeagleBone under the folder ~/agents.

Internally this script uses the rsync command.

Deploy Raspberry Pi Software

Usage: ./deploy-raspi


This script copies the Raspberry Pi software from ~/software/RaspberryPi to the Raspberry Pi under the folder ~/rasberry-pi.

Internally this script uses the rsync command to copy the folder to a temporary folder on the BeagleBone, then calls rsync on the BeagleBone using ssh to copy the temporary folder to the Raspberry Pi.

Updating Software

Update Agents

Usage: ./update-agents

This script overwrites the existing BeagleBone COSMOS project under ~/cosmos/source/projects/beaglebone using the latest software from the repository.

Update Raspberry Pi Software

Usage: ./update-raspi

This script overwrites the existing Raspberry Pi software under ~/software/RaspberryPi using the latest software from the repository.

Update COSMOS Routes

Usage: ./update-routes

This script overwrites the existing COSMOS Web routes using the latest software from the repository. You should call this script if you are also using the update-agents script.


Install COSMOS

Usage: ./install-cosmos

Installs COSMOS, giving the option of switching to the 'dev' branch.

Install COSMOS Web

Usage: ./install-cosmos-web

Installs COSMOS Web and its dependencies.