Quick Details

Property Value
Class Device
Namespace cubesat
Files Device.h

Note: this wiki page only includes important features of the Device class. For the full documentation, see Doxygen Documentation.


The Device class is a base (i.e. parent or super) class of various types. The devices have various properties which can be posted, meaning that they can be viewed externally (e.g. through a terminal or [[COSMOS Web]]). If a device doesn't have the properties necessary, custom properties can be used instead, although they cannot be posted. And if there isn't a supported device you need, you can always use the CustomDevice device type to hold custom properties (again, these cannot be posted).



template <typename T> void Post(T property);

Posts the given property, making it viewable externally. This must be one of the properties that is predefined by the device.


template <typename T> void SetCustomProperty(string name, T value);

Stores a custom property with the given name and value. The template parameter T corresponds to the storage type.


template <typename T> T& GetCustomProperty(string name);

Retrieves a previously-set custom variable with the given name and type T. If the type T does not match the one used to set the property, or the property was not previously set, an exception will be thrown.

Supported Device Types

Below are the supported device types. Note that in the last column of each table, the XXX indicates the COSMOS device number.

All of these devices below can accept custom properties, although these properties cannot be posted (i.e. viewed externally).


The TemperatureSensor device corresponds to a temperature sensor. In the Artemis CubeSat, the ADT7311 is used.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_tsen_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_tsen_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_tsen_volt_XXX
Current current float device_tsen_amp_XXX
Power power float device_tsen_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_tsen_enabled_XXX


The SunSensor device corresponds to a sun sensor. In the Artemis CubeSat, the OPT3001 is used.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_ssen_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_ssen_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_ssen_volt_XXX
Current current float device_ssen_amp_XXX
Power power float device_ssen_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_ssen_enabled_XXX


The Heater device corresponds to a heater.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_htr_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_htr_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_htr_volt_XXX
Current current float device_htr_amp_XXX
Power power float device_htr_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_htr_enabled_XXX


The IMU device corresponds to an IMU (inertial measurement unit). In the Artemis CubeSat, the BMX160 is used.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_imu_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_imu_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_imu_volt_XXX
Current current float device_imu_amp_XXX
Power power float device_imu_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_imu_enabled_XXX
Magnetic Field magnetic_field Vec3 device_imu_mag_XXX
Linear Acceleration acceleration Vec3 device_imu_accel_XXX
Angular Acceleration angular_acceleration Vec3 device_imu_omega_XXX


The GPS device corresponds to a GPS (global positioning system).

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_gps_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_gps_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_gps_volt_XXX
Current current float device_gps_amp_XXX
Power power float device_gps_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_gps_enabled_XXX
Satellites Used satellites_used int device_gps_sats_used_XXX
Latitude/Longitude/Altitude location Location device_gps_geods_XXX
Velocity velocity Vec3 device_gps_geocv_XXX


The Battery device corresponds to a battery. In the Artemis CubeSat, the LG MJ1 18650 is used.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_batt_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_batt_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_batt_volt_XXX
Current current float device_batt_amp_XXX
Power power float device_batt_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_batt_enabled_XXX
Percentage percentage float device_batt_percentage_XXX
Capacity capacity float device_batt_cap_XXX
Efficiency efficiency float device_batt_efficiency_XXX
Time Remaining time_remaining float device_batt_time_remaining_XXX


The RadioTransceiver device corresponds to a radio transceiver. In the Artemis Cubesat, the RFM98PW is used.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_tcv_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_tcv_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_tcv_volt_XXX
Current current float device_tcv_amp_XXX
Power power float device_tcv_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_tcv_enabled_XXX
Frequency frequency float device_tcv_freq_XXX
Maximum Frequency max_frequency float device_tcv_maxfreq_XXX
Minimum Frequency min_frequency float device_tcv_minfreq_XXX
Power In power_in float device_tcv_powerin_XXX
Power Out power_out float device_tcv_powerout_XXX
Max Power max_power float device_tcv_maxpower_XXX
Good Packet Count good_packet_count int device_tcv_goodcnt_XXX
Bad Packet Count bad_packet_count float device_tcv_badcnt_XXX


The CPU device corresponds to a CPU (central processing unit).

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_cpu_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_cpu_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_cpu_volt_XXX
Current current float device_cpu_amp_XXX
Power power float device_cpu_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_cpu_enabled_XXX
Up Time up_time int device_cpu_uptime_XXX
Boot Count boot_count int device_cpu_boot_count_XXX
Load load float device_cpu_load_XXX
Maximum Load max_load float device_cpu_maxload_XXX
Memory Use memory_usage float device_cpu_gib_XXX
Maximum Memory Use max_memory float device_cpu_maxgib_XXX


The Camera device corresponds to a camera. In the Artemis Cubesat, the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 is used.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_cam_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_cam_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_cam_volt_XXX
Current current float device_cam_amp_XXX
Power power float device_cam_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_cam_enabled_XXX
Pixel Width pixel_width int device_cam_pwidth_XXX
Pixel Height pixel_height int device_cam_pheight_XXX
Width width float device_cam_width_XXX
Height height float device_cam_height_XXX
Focal Length focal_length float device_cam_flength_XXX


The Switch device corresponds to an electrical switch.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_swch_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_swch_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_swch_volt_XXX
Current current float device_swch_amp_XXX
Power power float device_swch_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_swch_enabled_XXX


The CustomDevice device can correspond to any device that does not fit into the COSMOS namespace.

Supported Properties Member Name Storage Type COSMOS Name
UTC Timestamp utc double or Time device_pload_utc_XXX
Temperature temperature float device_pload_temp_XXX
Voltage voltage float device_pload_volt_XXX
Current current float device_pload_amp_XXX
Power power float device_pload_power_XXX
Enabled enabled bool device_pload_enabled_XXX