Language: C++

The libraries used in COSMOS are split into different directories based on the data they hold. These directories are:

  • agent
  • device
  • math
  • physics
  • support
  • thirdparty

The agent directory holds codes pertaining to the agent class. It defines the agent class as well as the scheduler queue.

The device directory holds codes pertaining to different hardware that COSMOS could potentially be loaded onto.

The math directory holds codes pertaining to useful math functions/concepts, such as quaternions, vectors, matrices, conversions and some useful constants.

The physics directory holds codes pertaining to useful physics functions. This includes some commonly used constants, orbit calculations, inertia calculations, gravity calculations, etc.

The support directory holds codes pertaining to different data structs and classes, constants, error codes, functions, etc. that is needed to run the many (core) parts of cosmos.

The thirdparty directory holds codes pertaining to jpeg, png, and zlib files

