
You can install COSMOS from scratch using the following instructions. Alternatively you can get COSMOS via the development environment.

Getting Started

We recommend installing COSMOS via Docker. By using Docker containers you will get all the COSMOS dependencies automatically resolved. This process works well for users and developers.



Install Instructions (via Docker)

Windows Instructions:

You can use the same installation instruction as Linux/MacOS after installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Read the section Check which version of WSL you are running on the linked page to double check which distro you are using (Ubuntu recommended). Docker Desktop may change the default distro to something else, in which case you will need to set it to Ubuntu using the instructions in that section.

Linux/MacOS/WSL Instructions:

Open a terminal window (Linux/MacOS) or a WSL terminal (Windows) and enter the following command to clone this repository to the home folder.

Clone cosmos to the home folder ~/cosmos-docker (recommended path)

git clone https://github.com/hsfl/cosmos.git ~/cosmos-docker

AFTER you have completed the prior steps, continue with the following steps. Note these steps are the same for both operating systems.

  1. Change directories to the newly cloned folder:
cd ~/cosmos-docker
  1. Copy the .env.example file and name it .env. Nothing needs to be changed as of yet.
cp .env.example .env
  1. Next, run the following command to get the containers running.
docker compose up -d

You may confirm that the cosmos_core container is running by either checking the running containers in Docker Desktop, or by running the following command:

docker ps

If you are getting an error that looks like this: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon... This is because your user has not been added to the docker group that is required after the Docker installation. Run the following command to add the current user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Close the terminal window and reopen another terminal window to complete the process. You can confirm that your user is in the docker group by running the command:


Retry steps 1-3


Let's run agent_001 from the terminal:

docker exec cosmos_core agent_001

and run agent_002 from another terminal window:

docker exec cosmos_core agent_002

Agents are able to discover and communicate with each other.

Let's also try running agent_cpu:

docker exec cosmos_core agent_cpu 

We can see what agents are running with the agent program, giving it the argument list

docker exec cosmos_core agent list 

