Set Up for Local Testing

Modifying the website, committing changes, and waiting for GitHub pages to regenerate the site is painfully slow. You should definitely set up Jekyll for local testing. As of now, Jekyll doesn't seem to support local testing on Windows machines.

1. Install Ruby

Visit the Jekyll installation page and follow the steps to install Ruby and Ruby Gems.

2. Install the Jekyll and Bundler Gems

Run the command:

$ gem install jekyll bundler

3. Clone the Site Repo

In a terminal change directory to a folder you feel comfortable working from, and run the following command:

$ git clone

4. Install the Site Dependencies

Next, run the following commands:

$ cd artemis-docs
$ bundle install

5. View the Site

To start up the site, run the following command:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve --trace

Since this is a bit long to type in each time, there is a shell script in the root of the repository.

Read the Docs

To find out more about how Jekyll works, visit their documentation. You don't need to follow their steps for creating a new site, since you're already using this one.

You should also check out how Liquid is used, since this site uses a ton of it. Documentation on the language itself is located here.

Pushing Your Changes

To get your changes published, run the following commands from your cloned repo:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "YOUR MESSAGE HERE"
$ git push origin

GitHub Pages will take a minute or two to regenerate your site, but then you should be able to see your changes.