COSMOS core  1.0.2 (beta)
Comprehensive Open-architecture Solution for Mission Operations Systems
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 agent.cppAgent control program source
 agent_antenna.cppAgent Antenna for Satellite Ground Station
 agent_calc.cppDemonstration calculator Agent
 agent_control.cppAgent Control for Satellite Ground Station
 agent_exec.cppExecutive Agent source file
 agent_file.cppFile Transfer Agent source file
 agent_radio.cppAgent Radio for Satellite Ground Station
 agentclass.cppAgent support functions
 agentclass.hAgent Server and Client header file
 alias.cppExample to demonstrate use of cosmos namespace aliases Follow this tutorial for more information tutorial-alias
 command_queue.hCommand Queue Class
 configCosmos.hHeaders and definitions common to all COSMOS
 convertlib.cppCoordinate conversion library source file
 convertlib.hConvertlib include file A library providing functions for conversion between the various position and attitude coordinate systems used in orbital mechanics
 cosmos-defs.hCOSMOS definitions Definitions specific to the COSMOS environement
 cosmos-errno.cppCOSMOS Errno support library source file
 cosmos-errno.hCOSMOS Error Codes
 cssl_lib.cppSimple Serial library source file
 cssl_lib.hSimple Serial library header file
 datalib.cppData support functions
 datalib.hData Management header file
 demlib.hDEM Support header file
 devicecpu.hDevicecpu include file
 elapsedtime.hElapsed Time header file
 ephemlib.cppEphemeris library source file
 ephemlib.hEphemlib include file JPL Ephemeris
 event.hCommanding Class
 geomag.hGeomag include file A library of routines to calculate the magnetic field of the Earth
 gige_lib.cppSupport routines for GigE Vision cameras
 gs232b_lib.hGS-232B controller includes
 jpleph.hJPL Ephemeris Support header file
 jsonlib.cppJSON support source file
 jsonlib.hJSON Support definitions
 kisstnc_lib.hKISSTNC controller includes
 kpc9612p_lib.hKPC-9612P controller includes
 mathlib.cppMathlib source file
 mathlib.hMathlib include file
 mixwtnc_lib.hMIXWTNC controller includes
 nrlmsise-00.hNRLMSISE-00 Extended Support header file
 physicsdef.hOrbit library support definitions
 physicslib.hOrbit library include file
 pic_lib.hPic include file
 prkx2su_lib.hPrkx2su controller includes
 scheduler.cppAgent support functions
 scheduler.hScheduler Class
 sliplib.cppSupport functions for COSMOS SLIP encoding
 sliplib.hCOSMOS SLIP support include file
 socketlib.hSocket Support header file
 stringlib.cppString handling library source file
 stringlib.hStringlib include file A library providing functions for handling various types of string
 testengine.cppCommand line simulator
 timelib.cppTime handling library source file
 timelib.hTimelib include file A library providing functions for handling various types of time
 transferlib.hFile Transfer Support header file
 ts2000_lib.hTS2000 controller includes