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1.0.2 (beta)
Comprehensive Open-architecture Solution for Mission Operations Systems
Orbit library include file. More...
#include "support/configCosmos.h"
#include "support/cosmos-defs.h"
#include "math/mathlib.h"
#include "physics/nrlmsise-00.h"
#include "support/convertlib.h"
#include "support/demlib.h"
#include "physics/physicsdef.h"
#include "support/jsondef.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
void | pleph_ (double[], long *, long *, double[]) |
void | dpleph_ (double[], long *, long *, double[]) |
rvector | gravity_vector (svector pos, int model, uint32_t degree) |
double | gravity_potential (double lon, double lat, double r, int model, uint32_t degree) |
rvector | gravity_accel (posstruc pos, int model, uint32_t degree) |
Calculates geocentric acceleration vector from chosen model. More... | |
rvector | gravity_accel2 (posstruc pos, int model, uint32_t degree) |
Calculates geocentric acceleration vector from chosen model. More... | |
double | gravity (double radius, double colat, double elon, int model, uint32_t degree) |
Calculates geocentric acceleration magnitude from chosen model. More... | |
int32_t | gravity_params (int model) |
Gravitational model parameters. More... | |
double | nplgndr (uint32_t l, uint32_t m, double x) |
Legendre polynomial. More... | |
svector | groundstation (locstruc &satellite, locstruc &groundstation) |
Ground station values. More... | |
void | simulate_hardware (cosmosstruc *cinfo, locstruc &loc) |
Simulate all devices. More... | |
void | simulate_hardware (cosmosstruc *cinfo, vector< locstruc > &locvec) |
Simulate Hardware data - multiple. More... | |
void | initialize_imu (uint16_t index, devspecstruc &devspec, locstruc &loc) |
Initialize IMU simulation. More... | |
void | simulate_imu (int index, cosmosstruc *root, locstruc &loc) |
Simulated IMU values. More... | |
int32_t | pos_accel (physicsstruc &physics, locstruc &loc) |
Acceleration. More... | |
void | att_accel (physicsstruc &physics, locstruc &loc) |
Torque. More... | |
void | geod2icrf (posstruc *pos) |
Geodetic to Heliocentric. More... | |
double | msis86_density (posstruc pos, float f107avg, float f107, float magidx) |
double | msis00_density (posstruc pos, float f107avg, float f107, float magidx) |
Calculate atmospheric density. More... | |
void | orbit_init_tle (int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, cosmosstruc *root) |
void | orbit_init_eci (int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, cartpos ipos, cosmosstruc *root) |
void | orbit_init_shape (int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, double altitude, double angle, double hour, cosmosstruc *root) |
void | propagate (cosmosstruc *root, double mjd) |
double | rearth (double lat) |
int | update_eci (cosmosstruc *root, double utc, cartpos pos) |
void | hardware_init_eci (cosmosstruc *cinfo, locstruc &loc) |
Initialize Hardware. More... | |
void | gauss_jackson_setup (gj_handle &gjh, uint32_t order, double utc, double &dt) |
Prepare for Gauss-Jackson integration. More... | |
void | gauss_jackson_init_tle (gj_handle &gjh, uint32_t order, int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, cosmosstruc *cinfo) |
void | gauss_jackson_init_eci (gj_handle &gjh, uint32_t order, int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, cartpos ipos, qatt iatt, physicsstruc &physics, locstruc &loc) |
Initialize Gauss-Jackson orbit using ECI state vector. More... | |
void | gauss_jackson_init_stk (gj_handle &gjh, uint32_t order, int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, stkstruc &stk, physicsstruc &physics, locstruc &loc) |
void | gauss_jackson_init (gj_handle &gjh, uint32_t order, int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, double altitude, double angle, double hour, locstruc &iloc, physicsstruc &physics, locstruc &loc) |
locstruc | gauss_jackson_converge_orbit (gj_handle &gjh, physicsstruc &physics) |
void | gauss_jackson_converge_hardware (gj_handle &gjh, physicsstruc &physics) |
vector< locstruc > | gauss_jackson_propagate (gj_handle &gjh, physicsstruc &physics, locstruc &loc, double mjd) |
int | orbit_propagate (cosmosstruc *root, double mjd) |
Load TLE's from file. More... | |
int | orbit_init (int32_t mode, double dt, double mjd, string ofile, cosmosstruc *root) |
Initialize orbit from orbital data. More... | |
Orbit library include file.