COSMOS core  1.0.2 (beta)
Comprehensive Open-architecture Solution for Mission Operations Systems
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CagentstrucAgent control structure
 CallstrucAll Component structure
 CantstrucAntenna information
 Cavector3 element attitude vector
 CbasisOrthonormalOrthonormal basis
 CbattstrucBattery (BATT) structure
 CbcregstrucBCREG (PV Regulator) Structure definition
 CcartposCartesian full position structure
 Ccmatrix3x3 element cartesian matrix
 CcposstrucCartesian position with time
 CcpustrucCPU information
 Ccvector3 element cartesian vector
 CdcmattDirection Cosine Matrix Attitude
 Cdem_pixelLocation value
 CdevicestrucDevice structure
 CdevspecstrucSpecific Device structure
 CdiskstrucDisk information
 CequationstrucEquation structure
 CestimatorhandleEstimator handle
 CestimatorstrucEstimator structure
 CeventstrucFull COSMOS Event structure
 CextraattAdditional parameters relating to position that need only be calculated once
 CextraposAdditional parameters relating to position that need only be calculated once
 CfacestrucFace structure: information on each face of a piece
 CgeoidposGeodetic position structure
 Cgj_handleGauss-Jackson integration handle
 Cgj_instanceGauss-Jackson Integration Instance
 Cgj_instance3dGauss-Jackson 3D Integration Instance
 Cgj_kernelPxnxm element cube
 Cgj_stepGauss-Jackson Integration Step
 CgjstrucGauss Jackson Integration structure
 Cgs232b_stateGS-232B state
 Cgvector3 element geodetic vector
 ChtrstrucHeater Structure definition
 CimustrucInertial Measurement Unit (IMU) structure
 CjsonentryJSON map offset entry
 CjsonequationJSON equation entry
 CjsonhandleJSON handle
 CjsonoperandJSON equation operand
 CjsontokenJSON token
 CkepstrucClassical elements structure
 Cmap_dem_bodyPlanetary body support structure
 Cmap_dem_demDEM support structure
 Cmatrix1dN element row matrix
 Cmatrix2dNxm element 2D matrix
 CmccstrucMotion Capture Camera (MCC) Structure
 CmtrstrucMagnetic Torque Rod structure: z axis is aligned with rod
 CphysicsstrucPhysics Simulation Structure
 CpiecestrucPart structure: physical information for each piece of Node
 CploadstrucPayload (PLOAD) structure
 CportstrucPort structure
 Cprkx2su_statePrkx2su state
 CpropstrucPropellant Tank (PROP) structure
 CpvstrgstrucPV String (STRG) structure
 CqattQuaternion Attitude
 CqcomplexQuaternion, scalar last, using imaginary elements
 CqfirstQuaternion, scalar first using vector elements
 CqlastQuaternion, scalar last, using vector elements
 CquaternionQuaternion, scalar last, using x, y, z
 Crmatrix3x3 element generic matrix
 CrotstrucRotor Structure definition
 Crvector3 element generic row vector
 CrwstrucReaction Wheel structure: z axis is aligned with axis of rotation
 CrxrstrucReceiver information
 CspherposSpherical position structure
 CssenstrucSun Sensor (SSEN) Sructure
 CstkstrucSTK positions structure
 CsttstrucStar Tracker (STT) Sructure
 CsuchistrucSUCHI Sructure
 Csvector3 element spherical vector
 CswchstrucSwitch Structure definition
 CtargetstrucTarget structure
 CtcustrucTorque Rod Control Unit
 CtcvstrucTransceiver information
 CtelemstrucTelemetry (TELEM) structure
 CthststrucThruster (THST) dynamic structure
 CtlestrucIn units for the SGP4 propogator (not NORAD TLE itself)
 CtncstrucTNC Structure definition
 Cts2000_stateTS2000 state
 CtxrstrucTransmitter information
 CunitstrucJSON unit type entry
 CutypeScalar value type Union
 CuvectorQuaternion/Rvector Union