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1.0.2 (beta)
Comprehensive Open-architecture Solution for Mission Operations Systems
convertlib include file A library providing functions for conversion between the various position and attitude coordinate systems used in orbital mechanics. More...
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | Cosmos::Coords::Position |
Namespaces | |
Cosmos | |
Cosmos::Coords | |
Functions | |
int32_t | loc_clear (locstruc *loc) |
Initialize locstruc. More... | |
int32_t | pos_extra (locstruc *loc) |
Calculate Extra position information. More... | |
int32_t | pos_icrf (locstruc *loc) |
Set Barycentric position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_eci (locstruc *loc) |
Set ECI position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_sci (locstruc *loc) |
Set SCI position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geoc (locstruc *loc) |
Set Geocentric position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geos (locstruc *loc) |
Set Geographic position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geod (locstruc *loc) |
Set Geodetic position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_selc (locstruc *loc) |
Set Selenocentric position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_selg (locstruc *loc) |
Set Selenographic position. More... | |
int32_t | pos_icrf2eci (locstruc *loc) |
Convert Barycentric to ECI. More... | |
int32_t | pos_eci2icrf (locstruc *loc) |
Convert ECI to Barycentric. More... | |
int32_t | pos_icrf2sci (locstruc *loc) |
Convert Barycentric to SCI. More... | |
int32_t | pos_sci2icrf (locstruc *loc) |
Convert SCI to Barycentric. More... | |
int32_t | pos_eci2geoc (locstruc *loc) |
Convert ECI to GEOC. More... | |
int32_t | pos_eci2selc (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | pos_geoc2eci (locstruc *loc) |
Convert GEOC to ECI. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geoc2geod (locstruc *loc) |
Update locstruc GEOC to GEOD. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geod2geoc (locstruc *loc) |
Update GEOD to GEOC in locstruc. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geoc2geos (locstruc *loc) |
Convert GEOC to GEOS. More... | |
int32_t | pos_geos2geoc (locstruc *loc) |
Convert GEOS to GEOC. More... | |
int32_t | pos_eci2sci (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | pos_sci2eci (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | pos_sci2selc (locstruc *loc) |
Convert SCI to SELC. More... | |
int32_t | pos_selc2selg (locstruc *loc) |
Convert SELC to SELG. More... | |
int32_t | pos_selc2sci (locstruc *loc) |
Convert SELC to SCI. More... | |
int32_t | pos_selg2selc (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | pos_selc2eci (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | loc_clear (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_extra (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_clear (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_eci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_sci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geoc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geos (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geod (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_selc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_selg (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_icrf2eci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_eci2icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_icrf2sci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_sci2icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_eci2geoc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_eci2selc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geoc2eci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geoc2geod (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geod2geoc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geoc2geos (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_geos2geoc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_eci2sci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_sci2eci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_sci2selc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_selc2selg (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_selc2sci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_selg2selc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | pos_selc2eci (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | eci2kep (cartpos &eci, kepstruc &kep) |
int32_t | kep2eci (kepstruc &kep, cartpos &eci) |
double | rearth (double lat) |
double | mjd2year (double mjd) |
Year from MJD. More... | |
int32_t | att_extra (locstruc *loc) |
Calculate Extra attitude information. More... | |
int32_t | att_icrf (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_lvlh (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_geoc (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_selc (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_topo (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_planec2topo (locstruc *loc) |
Planetocentric to Topo attitude. More... | |
int32_t | att_topo2planec (locstruc *loc) |
Topocentric to Planetocentric attitude. More... | |
int32_t | att_icrf2geoc (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_icrf2lvlh (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_icrf2selc (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_geoc2icrf (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | att_planec2lvlh (locstruc *loc) |
Convert ITRS attitude to LVLH attitude. More... | |
int32_t | att_lvlh2planec (locstruc *loc) |
Convert LVLH attitude to ITRS attitude. More... | |
int32_t | att_lvlh2icrf (locstruc *loc) |
Convert LVLH attitude to ICRF attitude. More... | |
int32_t | att_selc2icrf (locstruc *loc) |
int32_t | loc_update (locstruc *loc) |
Synchronize all frames in location structure. More... | |
int32_t | att_extra (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_clear (attstruc &att) |
Initialize attstruc. More... | |
int32_t | att_icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_lvlh (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_geoc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_selc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_topo (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_planec2topo (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_topo2planec (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_icrf2geoc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_icrf2lvlh (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_icrf2selc (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_geoc2icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_planec2lvlh (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_lvlh2planec (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_lvlh2icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | att_selc2icrf (locstruc &loc) |
int32_t | loc_update (locstruc &loc) |
double | mjd2gmst (double mjd) |
int32_t | geoc2geod (cartpos &geoc, geoidpos &geod) |
Convert GEOC to GEOD. More... | |
int32_t | geos2geoc (spherpos *geos, cartpos *geoc) |
int32_t | geod2geoc (geoidpos &geod, cartpos &geoc) |
Convert GEOD to GEOC. More... | |
int32_t | geoc2geos (cartpos *geoc, spherpos *geos) |
int32_t | selg2selc (geoidpos *selg, cartpos *selc) |
int32_t | gcrf2itrs (double utc, rmatrix *rnp, rmatrix *rm, rmatrix *drm, rmatrix *ddrm) |
J2000 to ITRS rotation matrix. More... | |
int32_t | itrs2gcrf (double utc, rmatrix *rnp, rmatrix *rm, rmatrix *drm, rmatrix *ddrm) |
ITRS to J2000 rotation matrix. More... | |
int32_t | true2pef (double utc, rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | pef2true (double utc, rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | pef2itrs (double utc, rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | itrs2pef (double utc, rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | true2mean (double ep0, rmatrix *pm) |
Rotate True of Epoch to Mean of Epoch. More... | |
int32_t | mean2true (double ep0, rmatrix *pm) |
Rotate Mean of Epoch to True of Epoch. More... | |
int32_t | j20002mean (double ep1, rmatrix *pm) |
int32_t | mean2j2000 (double ep0, rmatrix *pm) |
Rotate Mean of Epoch to J2000. More... | |
int32_t | gcrf2j2000 (rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | j20002gcrf (rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | teme2true (double ep0, rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | true2teme (double ep0, rmatrix *rm) |
int32_t | mean2mean (double ep0, double ep1, rmatrix *pm) |
int32_t | geoc2topo (gvector source, rvector targetgeoc, rvector &topo) |
Geocentric to Topocentric. More... | |
int32_t | body2topo (Vector source, Vector target, Vector &topo) |
Body Centric to Topocentric. More... | |
int32_t | topo2azel (rvector tpos, float &az, float &el) |
int32_t | topo2azel (Vector tpos, float &az, float &el) |
int | lines2eci (double utc, vector< tlestruc >lines, cartpos &eci) |
Return position from TLE set. More... | |
int | tle2eci (double utc, tlestruc tle, cartpos &eci) |
int32_t | eci2tle (double utc, cartpos eci, tlestruc &tle) |
TLE from ECI. More... | |
int | sgp4 (double utc, tlestruc tle, cartpos &pos_teme) |
tlestruc | get_line (uint16_t index, vector< tlestruc > lines) |
Get TLE from array of TLE's. More... | |
int32_t | load_lines (string fname, vector< tlestruc > &lines) |
Load TLE from file. TODO!!! Rename Function to loadTle and create new class for dealing with TLEs. More... | |
int32_t | load_lines_multi (string fname, vector< tlestruc > &lines) |
int32_t | loadTLE (char *fname, tlestruc &tle) |
Load TLE from file. TODO!!! create new class for dealing with TLEs. More... | |
int32_t | load_stk (string filename, stkstruc &stkdata) |
Load STK elements. More... | |
int | stk2eci (double utc, stkstruc &stk, cartpos &eci) |
ECI from STK data. More... | |
int32_t | tle2sgp4 (tlestruc tle, sgp4struc &sgp4) |
int32_t | sgp42tle (sgp4struc sgp4, tlestruc &tle) |
int | tle_checksum (char *line) |
int32_t | eci2tlestring (cartpos eci, string &tle, std::string ref_tle, double bstar=0) |
convertlib include file A library providing functions for conversion between the various position and attitude coordinate systems used in orbital mechanics.