enum | PT1000 {
DeviceScanTypeReg = 0xD32C,
DeviceResetReg = 0xD340,
SensorWidthReg = 0xA020,
SensorHeightReg = 0xA024,
WidthReg = 0xD300,
HeightReg = 0xD304,
OffsetXReg = 0xD31C,
OffsetYReg = 0xD320,
PixelFormatReg = 0xD308,
TestImageSelectorReg = 0xD33C,
AcquisitionModeReg = 0xD310,
AcquisitionStartReg = 0xD314,
AcquisitionStopReg = 0xD318,
AcquisitionFrameCount = 0xD334
} |
enum | PT1000AcquisitionMode {
Continuous = 0,
} |
enum | PT1000Format {
Mono8 = 17301505,
Mono8Signed = 17301506,
Mono10 = 17825795,
Mono10Packed = 17563652,
Mono12 = 17825797,
Mono12Packed = 17563654,
Mono14 = 17825829,
Mono16 = 17825799,
BayerGR8 = 17301512,
BayerRG8 = 17301513,
BayerGB8 = 17301514,
BayerBG8 = 17301515,
BayerGR10 = 17825804,
BayerRG10 = 17825805,
BayerGB10 = 17825806,
BayerBG10 = 17825807,
BayerGR12 = 17825808,
BayerRG12 = 17825809,
BayerGB12 = 17825810,
BayerBG12 = 17825811,
BayerGR10Packed = 17563686,
BayerRG10Packed = 17563687,
BayerGB10Packed = 17563688,
BayerGR12Packed = 17563690,
BayerRG12Packed = 17563691,
BayerGB12Packed = 17563692,
BayerBG12Packed = 17563693,
BayerGR16 = 17825838,
BayerRG16 = 17825839,
BayerGB16 = 17825840,
BayerBG16 = 17825841,
RGB8Packed = 35127316,
BGR8Packed = 35127317,
YUV411Packed = 34340894,
YUV422Packed = 34603039,
YUV444Packed = 35127328
} |
vector< gige_acknowledge_ack > | gige_discover () |
| Discover GIGE Camera. More...
gige_handle * | gige_open (char address[18], uint8_t privilege, uint32_t heartbeat_msec, uint32_t socket_usec, uint32_t streambps) |
| Connect to camera. More...
int | gige_writereg (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t data) |
| Write Register. More...
uint32_t | gige_readreg (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t address) |
| Read GIGE Register. More...
uint32_t | gige_readmem (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t nbytes) |
| Read GIGE memory. More...
void | gige_close (gige_handle *handle) |
| Close GigE Camera. More...
uint32_t | gige_address_to_value (char *address) |
| IP Address to value. More...
char * | gige_value_to_address (uint32_t value) |
| IP Value to address. More...
int | prosilica_config (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t format, uint32_t xbin, uint32_t ybin, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize, uint32_t xoffset, uint32_t yoffset) |
| Configure Prosilica camera. More...
int | prosilica_image (gige_handle *handle, uint16_t emode, uint32_t exposure, uint32_t gain, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bsize) |
| Take Prosilica image. More...
int | a35_image (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t frames, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bsize) |
| Take A35 image stream. More...
int | a35_config (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize, uint32_t video_rate) |
| Configure a35 camera. More...
int | pt1000_image (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t frames, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bsize) |
| Take PT1000 image stream. More...
int | pt1000_config (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize) |
| Configure pt1000 camera. More...
uint32_t | gige_readreg2 (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t address) |
| Read GIGE Register for A35 with different flag. More...
uint32_t | gige_request (gige_handle *handle, uint32_t address) |
| Send A35 discover message? More...