Artemis Teensy Flight Software
The software on the Teensy in the Artemis cubesat.
Artemis::Devices::RFM23::rfm23_config Struct Reference

The RFM23 radio configuration. More...

#include <rfm23.h>

Public Attributes

uint16_t freq
 The receive/transmit center frequency.
uint8_t tx_power
 The transmit power, set as a macro.
struct {
   uint8_t   spi_miso
 The MISO pin used on the SPI interface.
   uint8_t   spi_mosi
 The MOSI pin used on the SPI interface.
   uint8_t   spi_sck
 The clock pin used on the SPI interface.
   uint8_t   nirq
 The interrupt pin.
   uint8_t   cs
 The chip select pin used on the SPI interface.
   uint8_t   tx_on
 The transmit enable pin.
   uint8_t   rx_on
 The receive enable pin.
 The pins connecting the RFM23 and Teensy.

Detailed Description

The RFM23 radio configuration.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: