Artemis Teensy Flight Software
The software on the Teensy in the Artemis cubesat.
Artemis::Devices Namespace Reference

The devices and sensors in the satellite. More...


class  Magnetometer
 The satellite's magnetometer. More...
class  IMU
 The satellite's Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). More...
class  CurrentSensors
 The current sensors on the satellite. More...
class  TemperatureSensors
 The temperature sensors on the satellite. More...
class  GPS
 The satellite's Global Positioning System (GPS). More...
class  Switches
 The switches on the PDU of the satellite. More...
class  PDU
 The PDU class. More...
class  RFM23
 The RFM23 radio class. More...


enum class  BeaconType : uint8_t {
  None , TemperatureBeacon , CurrentBeacon1 , CurrentBeacon2 ,
  IMUBeacon , MagnetometerBeacon , GPSBeacon , SwitchBeacon
 Enumeration of beacon types.

Detailed Description

The devices and sensors in the satellite.