Artemis Teensy Flight Software
The software on the Teensy in the Artemis cubesat.
Artemis::Devices::Magnetometer::magbeacon Struct Reference

The structure of a magnetometer beacon. More...

#include <artemis_devices.h>

Public Attributes

BeaconType type = BeaconType::MagnetometerBeacon
 The type of beacon.
uint32_t deci = 0
 A decimal identifier for the beacon.
float magx = 0
 The magnetometer reading for the x axis.
float magy = 0
 The magnetometer reading for the y axis.
float magz = 0
 The magnetometer reading for the z axis.

Detailed Description

The structure of a magnetometer beacon.

A diagram of the struct is included below.

1 byte   4 bytes  4 bytes  4 bytes  4 bytes
|  type  |  deci  |  magx  |  magy  |  magz  |

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: