Artemis Teensy Flight Software
The software on the Teensy in the Artemis cubesat.
Constants defining Event flags.


#define EVENT_FLAG_WARNING   0x0e00
 8 bit flag, 0 - 7, see EVENT_SCALE_WARNING. More...
#define EVENT_SCALE_WARNING   0x0200
 Flash countdown timer (1 = 10sec, 2 = 20sec, 3 = 40sec, 4 = 80sec, 5 = 160sec, 6 = 320sec, 7 = 640sec).
#define EVENT_FLAG_ALARM   0x0180
 8 bit flag, 0 - 7, see EVENT_SCALE_ALARM.
#define EVENT_SCALE_ALARM   0x0080
 Audible alarm.
#define EVENT_FLAG_PRIORITY   0x0070
 3 bit flag, 0 - 7, see EVENT_SCALE_PRIORITY.
#define EVENT_SCALE_PRIORITY   0x0010
 Event display priority (0 = never , 1 = always, 2 = orbit, 3 = 15min, 4 = 5min, 5 = max zoom)
#define EVENT_FLAG_COLOR   0x000f
 16 bit flag, see EVENT_SCALE_COLOR.
#define EVENT_SCALE_COLOR   0x0001
 Display color (1=gray, 2= magenta, 3= cyan, 4= green, 5=orange, 6= yellow, 7=red, 8=brown, 9=white)
#define EVENT_FLAG_COUNTDOWN   0x1000
 Show a countdown timer for this event.
#define EVENT_FLAG_EXIT   0x2000
 Event is the exit member of a set of paired events.
#define EVENT_FLAG_PAIR   0x4000
 Event is part of a pair (eg. enter and leave Umbra).
#define EVENT_FLAG_ACTUAL   0x8000
 Event actualy happened (versus being predicted).
#define EVENT_FLAG_CONDITIONAL   0x10000
 Conditional event.
#define EVENT_FLAG_REPEAT   0x20000
 Repeating event.
#define EVENT_FLAG_TRUE   0x40000
 Event true last time.
#define EVENT_FLAG_SOLO   0x80000
 Command Event should run by itself.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EVENT_FLAG_WARNING   0x0e00

8 bit flag, 0 - 7, see EVENT_SCALE_WARNING.

These constants are for defining Events. FLAGs define an aspect of the Event. The defined value represents the bit position for that Flag. Where the desired aspect has more than one level, FLAG only points to the first bit position. In this case SCALE represents a multiplier to be used to place the Flag value at the appropriate position. As an example, the exit event of a paired event with an alarm level of 3 and a color of 7 would be flagged as: EVENT_FLAG_PAIR | EVENT_FLAG_EXIT | 3 * EVENT_SCALE_ALARM | 7 * EVENT_SCALE_COLOR