Artemis Teensy Flight Software
The software on the Teensy in the Artemis cubesat.
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This is the documentation on the Flight Software (FSW) that runs on the Teensy microcontroller in the Artemis CubeSat's On-Board Computer (OBC) board. This page is designed to give a high-level understanding of the FSW and introduce essential computing concepts that the FSW uses.

The Teensy

This code runs on the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller. As the link shows, this is a very capable microcontroller. If you are familiar with Arduino, the Teensy is very similar. You can think of the Teensy as a souped-up Arduino, with more ports and processing power.

There are many ways to program a Teensy. This project uses the PlatformIO IDE within Visual Studio Code. This allows us to use a more powerful IDE than Arduino IDE (which is still great for prototyping!). Make sure you follow the instructions in the Development Environment Setup Guide in order to program the Teensy.

A High-Level Understanding of the FSW

This section will give an overview of the FSW, how it works, and its functional components.

The Teensy, as mentioned earlier, is essentially a powerful Arduino. The FSW is built on the Arduino's programming principles. That is, there is a setup() function that is called once, followed by a loop() function that runs in an infinite loop, forever. These links are to the functions in the main.cpp file, and are the starting point for the code. In essence, this is the top-level Arduino code, the same as any other Arduino sketch.

It could be possible to put all our code into this one file, but this would be a massive file that would be hard to read and maintain. In addition, we want to be able to separate the code based on what components of the CubeSat it effects.

As a result, we split up the codebase and execution using multithreading. Each thread (we call them channels in our implementation) is responsible for some component of the CubeSat, such as the radios, sensors, or PDU. A brief description of each channel is given below.

  • main_channel: Technically, this channel is not listed in the code. That is because this is the first channel that is started when the Teensy is first powered on. Even though it is not explicitly defined, the Teensy switches to it like any other channel and executes its code. It does the following:
    • It acts as a "router" for PacketComm packets. Incoming packets are sent to the main_queue, which then are sent to the appropriate channel for handling.
    • It polls the built-in sensors that are not handled by a channel (such as the temperature, current, and IMU sensors) for their readings.
    • It generates PacketComm packets for testing other channels.
    • It creates every other channel and allocates computing time to them.
  • rfm23_channel(): Controls the HopeRF RFM23 radio. It does the following:
    • It configures and connects to the RFM23 radio.
    • It handles incoming transmissions containing PacketComm packets, and adds those packets to the main_queue.
    • It transmits outgoing PacketComm packets from its rfm23_queue.
  • pdu_channel(): Controls the Artemis Power Distribution Unit (PDU). It does the following:
    • It connects to the PDU's built-in microcontroller.
    • It gets switch states on the PDU.
    • It sets switch states on the PDU.
  • rpi_channel(): Communicates with the Raspberry Pi (RPi) on Ke Ao's OBC.
    • It connects to the RPi.
    • It sends packets to the RPi.
    • It receives packets from the RPi.
    • It can command the RPi to power down.

As the descriptions show, each channel runs independently, sharing information in the form of PacketComm packets inserted into each others' queues. At a high level, the Teensy flips through these channels quickly, executing a little bit of each channel before moving on to the next channel. The code must therefore be written with the assumption that it may be interrupted at any time. Further information is given in the multithreading section.

PlatformIO Build Flags

This section describes the PlatformIO build flags and their uses.

We can take advantage of the build flags feature of PlatformIO to selectively compile the code for testing and debugging. The build flags are found in the platformio.ini file in the root directory of the code. They are listed on individual lines, like so:

build_flags = DEBUG_PRINT

The ; symbol comments out a flag, disabling it.


These flags are used to run test code, generating test data to see how the program handles incoming data.

Flag Name Function
TESTS Enable to run tests on the satellite.

Debug Flags

If you've used Arduino before, you might be familiar with the Serial.print() style of debugging. We use the same method of debugging in this project for simplicity. When enabled, the Teensy will print debug statements over the Serial connection established over USB to the Terminal in VSCode.

Multiple flags are available for use, depending on what statements you'd like to print.

Flag Name Function
DEBUG_PRINT Enable to print debug messages to the Terminal.
DEBUG_PRINT_RAPID Enable to print messages that will are generated
rapidly, such as polling requests.
DEBUG_PRINT_HEXDUMP Enable to print hexdumps to the serial console.
DEBUG_MEMORY Enable to print memory capacity messages to the serial